''Many Rwanda genocide fugitives are still at large'' - spokesperson

''Many Rwanda genocide fugitives are still at large'' - spokesperson

Rwanda says it continues to hunt for the killers of more than 800 000 victims of the 1994 genocide.
Most wanted Rwandan genocide suspect arrested in South Africa / Photo: Reuters

Rwanda has welcomed the capture of Fulgence Kayishema, a suspect linked to the Rwandan genocide more than 20 years ago, but says there are still many fugitives at large.

Government Spokesperson Yolande Makolo told TRT Afrika: "We will continue to work with partner states and institutions to ensure that they are held to account for crimes committed in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi."

Fulgence Kayishema is accused of ordering the killing of approximately 2,000 Tutsis during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

He was captured on May 25 in South Africa, according to the United Nations tribunal for war crimes committed in Rwanda.

Makolo said Rwanda thanks the Office of the Prosecutor of the IRMCT that worked with the Rwandan Prosecution and South African authorities on the arrest

"This arrest is a tangible demonstration that this commitment does not fade and that justice will be done, no matter how long it takes," said IRMCT prosecutor Serge Brammertz.

In 2001, the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda indicted Kayishema and charged him with genocide and crimes against humanity for killings and other crimes committed in the Kibuye prefecture.

The U.S. government offered a reward of up to 5 million USD for information leading to Kayishema's arrest.

Kayishema used multiple identities and forged documents to evade detection, investigators said.

At the end of the genocide in July 1994, Kayishema fled to the Democratic Republic of the Congo with his wife, children, and brother-in-law.

TRT Afrika