Chilima and nine others died in a plane crash on June 11. Photo:  Malawi News Agency

Mourners from Malawi and other international dignitaries attended the burial of Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima in Ntcheu, Central Malawi, on Monday.

Scores gathered at Nsipe Primary School grounds in Ntcheu to see Chilima, who died in a plane crash on Monday, June 11, 2024, laid to rest.

In a eulogy, a representative from the bereaved family, Elizabeth Mkandawire Mwanga, said the late vice president was a “happy, loving, and charitable man, poised to become a global leader.”

“Allow me to thank United Transformation Movement (UTM) for the support rendered during the mourning period, and thanks to chiefs for the love. I would like to thank the people of Malawi for the gesture during the mourning period.

“I appeal to government to conduct an investigation to establish the truth and that such a tragedy should not happen again. Let me appeal to the nation to keep the Chilima dream alive and not to give up hope so that his dreams become a reality,” Mwanga said.

Investigations ordered

President Chakwera, during a previous funeral ceremony for the late Chilima at Bing Stadium in Lilongwe on Sunday, said he has already asked other countries to assist with the investigation.

“I understand that Malawi Defence Force (MDF) has its own protocols of conducting investigations; however, that alone is not enough. Therefore, as of now, it is necessary to involve independent investigators so that all Malawians, including me, should have solid answers on what really happened.

“I humbly implore all Malawians to remain calm and patient, as we will be waiting for the findings of the investigation. I also want to assure you that every Malawian will know the findings of the investigation once completed” Chakwera said.

Notable people who attended the burial include former president Dr. Bakili Muluzi, former president Peter Mutharika, former vice president Khumbo Kachali, and UTM Secretary General Patricial Kaliati, among others.

The first to lay the wreaths was Chilima’s widow, Mary Chilima, then President Chakwera and his wife, Monica Chakwera, then former President Peter Mutharika and his wife, Gertrude Mutharika, among others.

The late Chilima and nine others died in a plane crash in Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba district.

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