There are fears that the M23 rebels will advance towards the neighbouring provinces of Tshopo, South Kivu and Maniema in DRC. / Photo: Reuters

The M23 rebel group seized the village of Kalembe in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after clashes with the country’s armed forces and the Wazalendo alliance of armed groups loyal to the government, officials said Monday.

A group of rebels who came from the village of Kashuga launched an attack early Sunday and set fire to a Wazalendo position of the NDC-Renove, an offshoot of the Nduma Defence of Congo (NDC) militia, and the Alliance of Patriots for a Free and Sovereign Congo (APCLS) militia group.

There are fears that the rebels will advance towards the neighbouring provinces of Tshopo, South Kivu and Maniema.

“The war in the east has taken a decisive turn today with the fall of the town of Kalembe. This is the first location reached by the aggressors and their puppets in Walikale territory, the last barrier to reach the provinces of Tshopo, South Kivu and Maniema with a conflagration effect towards other provinces of the country," said Willy Mishiki, the Member of Parliament for Walikale.

Strategic locality

Kalembe is a strategic locality, giving access to the territories of Lubero and Rutshuru and Tshopo.

The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) said they have been observing a ceasefire since August 4 while the enemy continues to expand its territory.

Walikale is now the fifth territory in North Kivu Province to be affected by the conflict after Rutshuru, Masisi, Lubero and Nyiragongo, despite a state of siege declared in May 2021.

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