Lt. Col. Simon Seda, the commander of Kenyan peacekeeping troops to DRC, expressed confidence that the soldiers were well prepared for the mission. / Photo: Kenya Defence Forces     

Kenya has sent troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo to join a UN peacekeeping force tasked with restoring calm in the country's restive eastern region, the military announced on Sunday.

The first batch of the fourth contingent of the Kenya Quick Reaction Force (KENQRF 4) was officially sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday, marking the start of their peacekeeping mission in the country, the Kenya Defence Forces said in a statement.

The force will be engaged in operations against armed groups, protecting civilians, supporting humanitarian efforts, and aiding in the disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration of former combatants, according to the statement.

The force will join the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), which is focused on stabilising the eastern regions of the country, where armed groups continue to cause havoc.

'Prepared for the task'

Lt. Col. Simon Seda, the commander of KENQRF 4, expressed confidence that the troops were well prepared for the mission and would make a significant impact in their deployment.

"Our men and women are prepared for the task ahead. They have undergone rigorous training and are equipped with the necessary skills to execute this mission effectively. We are committed to contributing to the restoration of peace and stability in the DRC," he said.

For nearly three decades, eastern DR Congo has been facing insecurity posed by several armed groups, with thousands of people living in camps in the two most conflict-affected provinces of North Kivu and Ituri.

About 6.9 million people are estimated to have been driven out of their homes by conflict since March 2022.

Amid the hostilities, several African countries now have troops in DR Congo, including Burundi, Uganda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Malawi.

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