Government spokesman Nick Mangwana was among those who attended the anti-sanctions demonstrations / Photo: TRT World

Hundreds of people have held demonstrations in major towns across Zimbabwe to protest against sanctions imposed by the US and European Union that Zimbabwe blames for the country's economic struggles.

Top government officials led civil servants from across the capital, Harare, to march to Africa Unity Square for the main event expected to attended by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga.

Anti-sanctions demonstrations / Photo: TRT World

The protesters wielded placards and sang songs denouncing the sanctions which were imposed over two decades ago during the rule of former President Robert Mugabe.

The US and EU deny that sanctions against selected entities and officials, including President Emmerson Mnangagwa, are responsible for the southern African nation's crisis.

Anti-sanctions demonstrations

Zimbabwe designated October 25 of each year as "Anti-Sanctions Day" since 2019.

TRT Afrika