The Sierra Leonean government says security officers have managed to restore order in Freetown, and that the situation is "under control." / Photo: Reuters

Unknown people broke into a number of prisons in Sierra Leone's capital Freetown and freed several inmates on Sunday, the government has confirmed.

Minister of Information and Civic Education Chernor Bah said that the gunmen "attacked major detention centres, including Pademba Road Prison in Freetown."

"In the interest of protecting civilian lives, including prisoners, the security forces were forced to make a tactical retreat. The prisons were thus overran," Bah said in a statement on his X social media account.

"Some prisoners were abducted by the assailants, while many others were released," he added.

State TV 'not under siege'

The minister also refuted reports that the country's state television Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) had been set alight.

SLBC is "not on fire, and not under siege," Bah said, adding that "the director-general of SLBC is doing his work, and has not been arrested."

Earlier Sunday, the government declared an indefinite nationwide curfew after unknown people attempted to break into a barracks in Freetown.

President Julius Maada Bio termed the incident a "breach of security" at the Wilberforce barracks.

'Pushed back'

Soldiers at the camp managed to repulse the intruders, Bio said in a statement on X social media platform.

According to the government, the unknown attackers wanted to access the military armoury.

"The security forces have pushed back the assailants to the outskirts of the (Freetown) city. They are currently being engaged in the (western town of) Jui. Most of the city is calm and under control of the state security forces," Bah said.

"The security forces are making progress in the operation to defeat and apprehend those responsible for today's attacks. The government remains in control and on top of the situation," the minister said.

ECOWAS voices 'disgust'

The West African regional bloc ECOWAS expressed its "disgust" over the happenings in Sierra Leone on Sunday.

"The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has learnt with utter disgust a plot by certain individuals to acquire arms and disturb the peace and constitutional order in Sierra Leone," the regional body said in a statement.

"ECOWAS condemns this act and calls for the arrest and prosecution of all participants in this illegal act. ECOWAS reiterates its zero-tolerance for unconstitutional change of government."

TRT Afrika