Oligui deposed president Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30, 2023. Photo: Reuters 

General Brice Oligui Nguema, the transitional president of Gabon, oversaw a military parade and other events on Friday to commemorate the first anniversary of the coup that ousted the Bongo dynasty.

Oligui, 48, who deposed president Ali Bongo Ondimba on August 30, 2023, moments after Bongo was proclaimed the winner in a presidential election, arrived at the parade standing on the back of a military vehicle.

In a speech, Oligui outlined initiatives for economic revitalisation and infrastructure development, acknowledging the challenges faced by the Gabonese people.

"Infrastructure is obsolete and almost non-existent in some provinces, the unemployment rate is very high," Oligui said.

"There are too many evils that overwhelm the Gabonese," the former head of the presidential guard, dressed in his red uniform, said on Friday.

"We decided to put the country under construction, to relaunch economic a ctivity and to promote the creation of wealth by putting in place support and assistance mechanisms," he added.

Presidential elections

He promised to hand power back to civilians next year but hinted at his ambitions for the upcoming presidential elections.

The transitional government has pledged significant investments in infrastructure and social programs, including financial support for provinces, road construction, and youth employment initiatives.

On the anniversary, Oligui inaugurated several transportation projects, including the relaunched national airline, Fly Gabon.

The official celebrations also featured a military parade, a football match, a concert, and a fireworks display.

While the government has made progress in some areas, challenges such as water shortages, electricity cuts, and high living costs persist.

Gabon's reliance on imports and its high poverty rate also continue to be significant concerns.

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