The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has a concrete volume of 10.5 million cubic metres, making it the largest dam in Africa. Photo: AP

Ethiopia will delay the next round of filling a major new hydroelectric dam on the Nile River.

The filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) will be postponed until September, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said on Friday during a session at the Ethiopian House of Representatives.

Originally, the fourth filing of the dam had been scheduled for early August.

Abiy emphasised Ethiopia's commitment to addressing the concerns of lower riparian nations, including South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt, on the dam's filling process.

“This year's filling will be done differently from the previous three rounds by carrying out the filling in such a way as to alleviate the concerns of the neighbouring people,” he said.

“Instead of completing the filling in early August like in the previous rounds, it will be done at the beginning of September or at the end of August.”

Diplomatic tension

In an effort to maintain positive relations with its neighbours, Abiy affirmed that Ethiopia acknowledged the concerns of downstream nations and was determined to take them into consideration during the filling of the GERD.

The dam is a flagship hydroelectric project on the Blue Nile, but has been a source of diplomatic tension among Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

Sudan and Egypt have raised concerns on the potential impact of the dam on water supply and agricultural activities.

By extending the filling timeline, Ethiopia says it aims to ensure that these concerns are addressed through negotiations and consultations.

The GERD, once fully operational, is expected to generate significant amounts of electricity for Ethiopia, aiding the country's development efforts and providing energy access to millions of its citizens.