Sierra Leonean soldiers managed to repulse unknown people who attempted to break into Wilberforce barracks in Freetown on November 26, 2023. / Photo : Reuters

West African regional bloc ECOWAS has expressed "disgust" after unknown people attempted to break into a barracks in Sierra Leone's capital Freetown on Sunday.

President Julius Maada Bio termed the incident a "breach of security" at the Wilberforce barracks.

Soldiers at the camp managed to repulse the intruders, Bio said in a statement on X social media platform on Sunday.

Sierra Leone's Minister of Information and Civic Education, Chernor Bah, said the suspects had unsuccessfully "attempted to break into the military armoury."

Nationwide curfew

"The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has learnt with utter disgust a plot by certain individuals to acquire arms and disturb the peace and constitutional order in Sierra Leone," the regional body said in a statement.

"ECOWAS condemns this act and calls for the arrest and prosecution of all participants in this illegal act. ECOWAS reiterates its zero-tolerance for unconstitutional change of government."

Following the Sunday incident, President Bio declared an indefinite nationwide curfew.

"Citizens are encouraged to stay indoors," Bio said, adding that a hunt for the "remnant of the fleeing renegades" was ongoing.

TRT Afrika