More cult survivors were rescued on Monday while in poor health / Photo: AFP

Kenyan police have found 11 more bodies in a forest on Monday in the coastal region, bringing the confirmed death toll of followers of a Christian cult to 58.

Worshippers at the Good News International Church believed they would go to heaven if they starved themselves to death.

Eight people previously rescued and rushed to the hospital are among the dead after they succumbed on Monday. Some survivors of the cult were still refusing to eat, according to police.

Exhumation is ongoing at Shakahola village in land owned by cult leader Paul Mackenzie, who is in police custody. There are fears that more bodies could be found after villagers claimed over 100 members of the cult had gone missing.

The head of Kenya's police Japheth Koome on Monday visited the village near the town of Malindi where he said some 29 people had been rescued and taken to hospital.

The deaths have sparked outrage in the country. President William Ruto has described the cult leader as a 'terrible criminal' and ordered a crackdown of such groups that preach teachings that are against the law.

Police have sealed off the area which is now considered a crime scene.

TRT Afrika