Al-Shabaab has staged frequent attacks in recent months after an initial momentum by government forces. Photo / Reuters

At least 17 people were killed in Somalia on Saturday after militant group al-Shabaab attacked a military base.

The Busley base, in the Lower Shabelle region in the country's southwest, was briefly occupied by the attackers, security officials said.

Armed fighters from al-Shabaab battled their way to the facility using suicide car bombs, a Somalia military officer told Reuters.

He declined to be named because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

'Captured base'

"Several suicide car bombs attacked the base after fierce fighting... al-Shabaab briefly captured the base," the officer said.

"Then, government reinforcement fiercely battled and drove out al-Shabaab."

Seven Somalia soldiers, including the commander of the base, and 10 al-Shabaab fighters were killed in the fighting, he said.

Burned vehicles

Some residents in the area told Reuters al-Shabaab also burned military vehicles and took others during the assault.

Al Shabaab issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack.

Somalia government officials could not be reached for comment.

The al Qaeda-allied group has been fighting for nearly two decades, aiming to topple Somalia's central government.

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