Witnesses reported "loud anti-aircraft fire. / Photo: Reuters

At least three drones struck Sudanese army targets in the eastern state of Gedaref, which had previously been largely spared the country's devastating war, Sadan's military said.

For almost a year, Sudan has been gripped by fighting between the regular army, which is backed by the government and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces.

One drone "struck state security and intelligence headquarters, but did not cause significant damage" in Gedaref, more than 400 kilometres (250 miles) east of the capital Khartoum, reports news agency AFP.

Witnesses in Gedaref also reported "loud anti-aircraft fire" from the army.

Multiple attacks

In Al-Faw, 150 kilometres to the west, a military source said "a drone had bombed" an army division.

Al-Faw is only 25 kilometres east of the front line between the army and the paramilitaries.

Eastern Sudan had until now been considered a safe haven for millions of civilians displaced from Khartoum and other battlegrounds.

Trapped civilians

According to the latest figures from the United Nations, nearly half a million people are sheltering in Gedaref State alone.

North of Gedaref on the Red Sea, the city of Port Sudan has become a makeshift headquarters for government ministries loyal to the army command. The port city has also become the base for United Nations relief efforts.

Nearly all aid coming into Sudan, where famine has all but taken hold and disease outbreaks are on the increase, flows through the east.

In the vast western region of Darfur, nearly entirely controlled by the RSF, witnesses reported army air strikes on three state capitals: Nyala, Al-Daein, and El Fasher.

Both sides have been accused of war crimes, including the indiscriminate shelling of residential areas.

Since last April, the fighting has killed many thousands, including up to 15,000 in one Darfur town, and displaced 8.6 million people.

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